
logistics officer معنى

logistics officer أمثلة على
  • موظف اللوجستيات


  1. In military logistics, logistics officers manage how and when to move resources to the places they are needed.
    في اللوجستية العسكرية يحدد الخبراء كيف ومتى سيتم نقل الموارد إلى الأماكن التي يحتاجونها.

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. logistics in the netherlands معنى
  2. logistics in the united kingdom معنى
  3. logistics industry in the united states معنى
  4. logistics management معنى
  5. logistics management training strategy development معنى
  6. logistics operations section معنى
  7. logistics operations unit معنى
  8. logistics planning subgroup معنى
  9. logistics plans officer معنى
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